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Sino Foreign Management Magazine interview with Philip McMaster, Da Long
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Image by \!/_PeacePlusOne
Article by Li Yuan about 3 Finger "Peace Plus One" Sustainability Symbol and the World Sustainability Project in "Sino-Foreign Management Magazine www.zwgl.com.cn/article_info.asp?nid=913

Here is the Original Chinese, with Google Translation into English:

NOTE: Philip McMaster's Chinese name is "Da Long" or "Tai Lung" (Big Dragon)

Sustainable development, everyone's responsibility
作者:本刊记者李源发布日期:2010-2-8  点击数:145 Author: reporter Li Yuan Release Date :2010-2-8
本刊专访商务可持续发展麦克马斯特学院创始人Philip McMaster Sustainable development in business with Sinorama Philip McMaster, founder of McMaster Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce

Philip McMaster(大龙)来自加拿大,他是商务可持续发展麦克马斯特学院的创始人。 Philip McMaster (Tai Lung) from Canada, he is a business sustainable development, the founder of the McMaster Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce. 作为热心推广可持续发展理念的人士,他创建了三根手指“和平加一”可持续手势符号。 Passionately committed to promoting the sustainable development concept as a person, he created a 3 finger "Peace Plus One" sustainable gesture symbols. 就是在表示胜利、和平的V手势中加入一根手指,当有人做出这个手势时,就表示支持社会、商业、环境的和谐发展。 Is that the victory of peace V-sign to add a finger, when someone made this gesture, the respect of support for social, business, environment, harmonious development. 作为香港中文大学的MBA教授,Philip McMaster和他的组织对亚太商务人士就可持续发展理念做了一项调查,“结果令人堪忧,这让人更认识到推广可持续发展有多重要。”大龙对《中外管理》说。 The Chinese University of Hong Kong MBA professor, Philip McMaster and his organization of the Asia-Pacific business people on the concept of sustainable development to do a survey, "The result is worrying, it makes more aware of how important the promotion of sustainable development." Tai Lung on "Chinese and foreign management", said.
那么,针对调查的结果,大龙将给出哪些建议呢? So, for the results of the survey, Tai Lung will give what proposal?
中国哲学更适合未来发展 More suitable for the future development of Chinese Philosophy
《中外管理》:能先给我们介绍一下您针对商务人群所做的研究和调查吗? "Chinese and foreign management": Can you give us brief for business studies and surveys done by the crowd do? 这项调查的主要结论是什么? The survey's main conclusions?
大龙:我们这个调查研究的主题是为个人或商业行为的可持续发展寻找方法。 Big Dragon: The theme of our research is for personal or business practices to find ways of sustainable development. 这项调查让我们看到商业发展在未来的三个趋势。 The survey Let us see the business development in the next three trends. 在未来,成功的商业将是那些注重差异化竞争、个人社会责任和企业社会责任的。 In the future, a successful business will be those that focus on competitive differentiation, personal social responsibility and corporate social responsibility.
第一个问题对全球来说都是一样的,特别是中国。 The first question to the world as a whole are the same, especially China. 增长模式已经相当有限,成功的企业必须找到新的盈利模式,提高效率,聆听市场真实的需求。 The pattern of growth is quite limited, successful companies must find new profit model, improve efficiency, to listen to real market demand.
在这一点上,中国胜出的机会非常大。 At this point, the Chinese winning would be great. 因为到目前为止,中国的商业模式效率还有很大可提升的空间。 Because so far, China's business model can improve the efficiency of there is a great space. 但是如果中国抓住以上三个趋势,提高生产中的附加值,完成从OEM到ODM(原始设计加工)再到OBM(自由品牌制造)的发展,创造具有知识产权的产品和服务,就能成为可持续发展的领跑者。 But if China to seize the above three trends, raising production value-added, complete from OEM to ODM (original design processing) and then to OBM (Free brand manufacturing) growth and creating new products and services with intellectual property rights can be leader of sustainable development. 还有更重要的是,中国企业应该积极适应国际标准的管理和治理模式。 There are even more important is that Chinese enterprises should actively adapt to the international standards of management and governance models.
中国的很多公司仍然在旧的理念中挣扎,还没有真正认识世界的真实现状。 China, many companies are still struggling in the old concept, has not really understand the real situation of the world.
西方的商业模式已经有了明显的缺陷,如果中国企业不具备辨识和修复这种缺陷的能力,那么他们的产品质量、环境质量、社会和谐以及中国的声誉,甚至世界贸易能力都会严重受损。 Western business model has had obvious defects, if the Chinese enterprises do not have the recognition and the ability to repair this defect, their product quality, environmental quality, social harmony and China's reputation, and even the world's ability to trade will be seriously damaged. 这就是我们致力于让中国公司“可持续思维”,并成为世界的领跑者和创新者的原因。 This is why we committed to making China's "sustainable thinking" and become the world's leader and innovator reasons. 因为只有平衡人类、地球和利益(社会、环境、经济)才能拯救商业。 Because only a balanced human beings, the earth and interests (social, environmental, economic) in order to save the business.
《中外管理》:根据你的调查,亚太地区的商务人士在环保、社会责任可持续发展上的认识、态度和表现怎么样? "Chinese and foreign management": According to your survey, the Asia-Pacific region, business people in environmental protection, social responsibility, sustainable development, knowledge, attitudes, and how did it perform?
大龙:根据我们的调查,亚洲商务人士的社会责任意识很差,对可持续发展的态度很不积极,而环保方面的表现也很有待提高。 Tai Lung: According to our survey, the Asian business people poor sense of social responsibility, sustainable development, attitudes are very positive, while the environmental performance is also to be improved. 因为中国和其他太平洋地区的国家一直在用西方的发展模式,而忽略了他们自己的智慧和数千年的文化传统。 Because China and other Pacific region countries have been using the Western model of development, while ignoring their own wisdom and several thousand years of cultural traditions. 我 们调查了很多著名的“思想领袖”,并和他们讨论商业和经济,他们的忠告永远是:“不要盲目跟从西方,睁开你的眼睛,看看这个世界其他的地方发生了什么,看 看整个地球的状况。你将看到中国传统的和平、和谐和平衡思想,以及先贤的智慧在今天是多么重要。不仅是在中国,对于全世界都一样。” We investigate a lot of the famous "thought leaders" and their discussion of business and the economy, and their advice is always: "Do not blindly follow the West, opened your eyes, take a look at other places in the world what happened, take a look at throughout the state of the planet. you will see the Chinese tradition of peace, harmony and balance of thought, as well as the wisdom of sages how important it is today. not only in China, the same for the world. "
商人要树立个人社会责任 Merchant must establish individual social responsibility
《中外管理》:那么您的建议是什么,他们该怎么做呢? "Chinese and foreign management": So what is your suggestion, how they should do?
大龙:要成为一个优秀的商人,中国公司要建立起在中国传统的道家、儒家、佛家基础之上的智慧和有意义的声誉。 Tai Lung: To become a good businessman, the Chinese company to set up in the traditional Chinese Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism based on the wisdom and meaningful reputation. 中国商人要成就“Dragonpreneur”——这是我创建的一个项目,Dragonpreneu意味着具有中国特色的企业家精神。 Chinese businessmen to success "Dragonpreneur" - This is what I created a project, Dragonpreneur with Chinese characteristics means that the entrepreneurial spirit. 它有五个要素就像龙爪的五个手指,包括:优秀的沟通、优秀的关系、优秀的财富管理、优秀的创新和创造,以及优秀的领导力。 It has five elements like the Talon of the five fingers, including: good communication, good relationships, good wealth management, outstanding innovation and creativity, as well as excellent leadership.
《中外管理》:除此之外,您对于商务人士的生活方式和可持续发展之间的关系有什么建议? "Chinese and foreign management": In addition, your way of life for business people and sustainable development of the relationship between the have any suggestions?
大龙:让商务人士高兴的事儿就是挣钱。 Tai Lung: Let the business people happy to do is to make money. 但是最富有的人会发现钱不能买来健康和快乐。 But the most rich people will find that money does not buy health and happiness. 人们把财富仅仅定义成钱。 It is only defined as money, wealth. 但是对钱的重视超过了限度,它就更容易失去它的意义,而生活中的其他部分,如时间和健康就变得更加重要。 But the importance of money over the limit, it is more likely to lose its meaning, and life in other parts, such as time and health becomes more important. 时间是有限的,它对我们每个人都是公平的。 Time is limited, it is fair to each one of us. 但是健康不同,我们可以为好身体、好环境投资,并得到回报。 But health is different, we can provide good health, good environment for investment, and be rewarded. 相反则我们早晚会受到惩罚。 On the contrary then we will sooner or later be punished.
拥有健康的可持续生活方式(LOHAS)善于平衡知识、计划、组织和工作。 To have a healthy and sustainable lifestyle (LOHAS) good balance of knowledge, planning, organization and work. 改善商务人士的生活方式很简单:学习个人的社会责任,并在日常生活中实践。 To improve the business people's way of life is very simple: to learn individual's social responsibility, and practice in everyday life.
我一直在大学里,业务领域里以及生活里推广企业的社会责任,但是我现在不认为企业的社会责任能解决所有商业社会和环境的问题,但我相信个人的社会责任可以。 I have been at the university, business areas, as well as life to promote corporate social responsibility, but I do not think that corporate social responsibility to resolve all of the business community and the environment, but I believe that an individual's social responsibility can be.
公司是不完美的,我们个人也是不完美的,所以我们必须采取更积极更前瞻的行为,我们可以从错误中学习,建立起个人的智慧、知识和经验,引导我们的公司走向更可持续发展的未来。 Company is not perfect, we as individuals are not perfect, so we must take a more active and forward-looking behavior, we can learn from our mistakes and build personal wisdom, knowledge and experience to guide our company toward a more sustainable development future. 作为一个商人,我们对家庭、社区、国家,甚至这个世界负有责任。 As a businessman, we are family, community, country, and even the world's responsibility.
责任编辑:刘宏君 Editor: Liu Hongjun

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