
Cool Business One images

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Business Card Board
business one
Image by MTSOfan
Day one hundred fifty-nine/365. Have you talked with anyone lately who enjoys a strong sense of job security? I'm not an economist or an authority in political science, but I realize that there is a variety of factors making people nervous.

Aside from the sense of tenuousness about job security, there is also the question of job satisfaction. A 2005 Harris Interactive, Inc., survey revealed that only 20% of American workers feel "passionate" about their jobs.

Our jobs are important. They put food on the table and a roof over our heads. (They assure that our basic needs will be met!) Our jobs add to our sense of who we are. (That's our very identity!) They determine whom we talk to, where we spend our time, and even what we think about when we're not at work.

How much of the uneasiness about job security, and the stark absence of passion, is beyond our control? Is there something inside of us that makes us want to think we have less control than we do?

What is it that Martin Luther King said about being a streetsweeper? Be the best one you can possibly be, he urged.

Was King an idealist? What measure of influence do we have over our our career and our self?

Closed for Business--176
business one
Image by Universal Pops
Almost the entirety of downtown (using the term loosely) Pamplin City, Appomattox County, Virginia is abandoned and in a state of decline. The business section was one long block; today is exudes the atmosphere of a ghost town. The textures of wood, tin and brick stood out on this particular structure.

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