
Nice Business In China photos

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Check out these business in china images:

China Street was once a notorious place to be...
business in china
Image by williamcho
Located in Chinatown, China Street probably makes reference to the ancestral homeland of Chinese Singaporeans. The street was notorious in the past for its gambling dens and secret societies. Today it has been re-developed into skyscrapers and the old shop houses were refurbished into entertainment outlets.

Location: Far East Square, Singapore
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Gloria Gu, Chief Rep, Business Environment Council (BEC) DSC_6028
business in china
Image by \!/_PeacePlusOne
Corporate Social Responsibility Workshop, held in the conference room of the China Energy Conservation Investment Corporation (CECIC), organized by BEC - Business Environment Council, China Environmental Awareness Program, China Energy Conservation Investment Corporation, included the introduction of the McMaster Institute's "ISR" concept, and the "Peace Plus One" 3 Finger Sustainability Symbol.

800 Pixel size images are suitable for viewing and sharing on the internet.

Contact the McMaster Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce for information on the PEACE PLUS ONE - WORLD SUSTAINABILITY PROJECT
如果您想要了解更多“和平+壹——世界可持续发展工程”的相关信息,请联系麦克马斯特可持续发展商务研究所。 www.SustainabilitySymbol.com

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www.sustainabilitysymbol.com/donate/ and make sure you INDICATE PHOTOGRAPH FILE NAME AND NUMBER with each donation!!

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If you like what we do, please support the effort, this is how we raise money to encourage eco-civilization in China and around the world_\!/

For more information, visit: www.PeacePlusOne.cn

www.SustainabilitySymbol.com "

Photo Courtesy: McMaster Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce

Photographer: Philip McMaster (unless otherwise noted)
Please credit and link back to www.SustainabilitySymbol.com

图片作者:菲利普 麦克马斯特


Samsung to Join InfoComm China 2013
business in china
Image by samsungtomorrow
Samsung Electronics participates in the 9th InfoComm China 2013, the largest display trade exhibition in Asia, entering Chinese and Asian digital signage market in earnest. Samsung Electronics suggested optimal display solution for a variety of other applications including airports, stores, menu boards and others under the title “The New Business Experience,” increasing the floor space by 40% to 270㎡.

삼성전자, 아시아 최대 규모
디스플레이 전시회 '인포콤 차이나' 참가

삼성전자가 올해로 9회째 열리는 아시아 최대 규모의 디스플레이 전시회 '인포콤 차이나(InfoComm China 2013)'에 참가해 아시아와 중국의 '디지털 사이니지(Digital Signage)' 시장 공략에 나섰다. 삼성전자는 10일부터 12일까지 중국 북경 국가회의 센터에서 열리는 전시회의 참가규모를 전년보다 40% 확대한 270㎡로 넓히고 '새로운 비즈니스의 경험(The New Business Experience)'을 주제로 공항, 매장, 메뉴 보드 등 다양한 상황을 연출해 최적의 디스플레이 솔루션을 제안했다.
