
Nice Business Portal photos

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Some cool business portal images:

business portal
Image by jurvetson
Memories from my first meeting with Barack Obama… when everything was just a big hairy audacious dream...

His words will echo through history.

“People are hungry for a different politics, a different language. People are hungry for some leadership in Washington.

To many, politics appears to be a business, not a mission. America is waking up out of a long slumber. I’m seeing a sense of optimism, a sense of hope rather than fear.

The world is waiting for us to say: we’re back and we want to work with you.

While we are at it, we can close Guantanamo and restore habeus corpus because that’s how we lead. The strength of our diplomacy has to be matched by the power of our ideals.

On the day I’m inaugurated, the people in our country will look at ourselves differently, and people in other countries will look us differently.”

Front Door
business portal
Image by yewenyi
This was built as "St Patrick's College" but now it it the International College of Tourism and Business Management. It is also quite impressive on the inside, but I was not allowed to take photos in there.

See where this photo was taken at maps.yuan.cc.

AUS NSW North Head IMG_0236a

Snow Lunch
business portal
Image by boumanm
I took this picture in a snow squall one day in the early 1980s. My colleagues were going to lunch in a new restaurant in Hyde Park village. It was a Christmas outing at an unlikely small business in such a place. The business didn't last very long.
